“Once when I was air I traveled from the skies to the bottom I felt many things which were crude and ugly. Living was ugly…. And dying was crude…. I witnessed a murder every day… I felt the light dissect me…. I feared not for the light could cut only my color….. There used to be blood everywhere but I got a new skin now and then… For I was eternal and invisible… I become hot when the brightness cuts through me…. And with the pain I move…. When the pain subsides I become cool….. But not for long…. I have not had enough pleasure every time The pleasure begins when the battle begins… The battle between pain and pleasure….. sometimes for me pain becomes pleasure and pleasure becomes pain… To kill the pain I breed pleasure and to kill the pleasure I breed pain… And sometimes when pain becomes pleasure I am off without the battle… for the battle is a mere namesake…. Later when I got used to this battle I realized that the pain and the pleasure were quite the same… The darkness begins only when the battle ends…. It ends when the battle begins… For it was timid enough to sprint… It was we who fought for it…. The light is persistent… For it always murders the darkness….. And this is how the butchery happens…….. When the darkness takes over it presents everyone the whim of being anything they want… It has remained an enigma so far as the EXISTANTS have a fear for it…. The darkness wanders through the places and gives the presents…. But when the battle begins the light sends its brightness…. The Brightness in turn its soldiers…. They pass through the unknown layers, slit them and possess them…. Later when they reach us.. they not merely slit us but peel the skin off us…. They enter into us after the peel….. The pain begins … For it ends…. This is how the fate of all the air has been…. For all the air is whore… The whore who prostitutes itself to the brightness and the darkness…”