“In a city where people had only a single eye and a single thought existed a man with two eyes and two thoughts,
He was deemed to be specially able; he had the power to look at one particular object in many ways…
Once a foreign object landed in the streets of the city, the puzzled citizens had not a clue on what it exactly was…
They called for the wise old two eyed man, he inspected the object with a great amount of concentration…
He came to the citizens and thus spoke the left side of his face
“Oh ye citizens of the holy city, the object which landed on the holy land is a mere pile of dust”
Thus spoke the right side of his face
“Oh ye citizens of the holy city, the object which landed on the holy land is a gift from the almighty build a shrine around it….. please move it not…”
And thus the holy city became holier. Generations later the people in the holy city started having two eyes and two thoughts,
The left side of every citizen spoke thus
“the pile of dust is growing to be a major concern”
The right side of every citizen spoke thus
“The shrine has to be re-built for the gift of the almighty is showering more blessings…”
A few years later the city perished as every left side butchered the right and the right butchered the left….
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