Dosar is the last film which an ordinary film buff would like to see. Technically speaking it is one of the best films i have ever seen it.. Rituparno Ghosh is probably at the peak of his creativity.
The term conflict in screenwriting refers to the heart of the story, conflict is the reason why a story evolves even in the worst of the films. Generally the main plot of a has one conflict and the sub-plots tend to have many, Ghosh defies the rules this screenplay has 2 conflicts centered in one situation it is like having two faces with one heart.
Dosar is the story of a lady whose husband's extra marital affair comes to the lime light because of a road accident, his partner dies on the spot while he survives the wife(brilliantly played by Konkana) cannot come to terms with this though she has her emotions intact she is unable to even look at him, there is a beautiful scence in which Konkana wears her old fashioned cooling glass to defend her tears.
Meanwhile there is also a parallel plot about a middle aged woman's affair with a young boy who works with her, hell breaks lose when she is discovered pregnant. A confusion prevails through out the movie there is a dark underlying character of an abusive husband who is clamed to be impotent amidst him not showing up even in a single scene Ghosh charaterices the person well.
The script portrays extreme emotions imagine the following
1.A husband caught having an extra marital affair being possesive about his wife
2.A deceived wife convincing her husband about her wanting to have an extra marital affair
3.A deceived husband handing out a pack of condems found in his wife's bag to his wife's lover's wife! and asking her to use it effectively
4.A prostitute who is unmoved by a widower's sexual desire
5.The wife reading husband's messages sent to him by his lover
The conclusion of this film is very abstract , it portrays the complexity of the protagonist's character. She is deprived of sex butfeels guilty to deceive her husband so finally forgives him. The whole film is in black and white.... brilliant aesthetics...
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